By the way Carrol, have you ever noticed that, in your mythopoetic understanding of the world, the role of "capitalism" just about exactly corresponds to that of "the Jew" in that of the anti-Semite? There is no real growth under capitalism/the Jew; it's all a fake, parasitic, hothouse growth. Every problem is made worse by the addition of capitalism/the Jew. Capitalism/the Jew must eternally expand, absorbing all opposition. Capitalism/the Jew cannot be reformed, because unlike feudalism/the Gentiles it has an unchanging nature, so we have to totally get rid of capitalism/the Jew. We don't have to follow current events, because we know the big picture, which is that capitalism/the Jew is at fault. Capitalism/the Jew is always victorious, except when our anti-capitalism/anti-Jew vanguard takes control of events. The masses have been fooled by capitalism/the Jew, so we must not feel superior to them. There is no point in distinguishing between different
kinds of capitalism/Jews, because capitalism = capitalism and Jew = Jew. There is no morality; there is only History, the struggle between oppressor and oppressed, Jew and non-Jew.
----- Original Message ---- From: Carrol Cox cbcox at
O.K. Doss's Russian chauvinism has now led him to support the indiscrinate slaugher of civiilians as long as "intelligence" has repored that one Afghan or Pakistan patriot may be living in the village.
We heard all these fucking liberal apologists for murder during the Vietnam War.
Carrol ___________________________________