[lbo-talk] How to make the Senate a majority rule institutioninone day

Dennis Claxton ddclaxton at earthlink.net
Fri Jan 22 11:26:55 PST 2010

At 11:13 AM 1/22/2010, Michael Smith wrote:

>Oh and for some reason I'm in pedant mode today -- "bons mots", not
>"bon mots". Always galls me a little when I see that

I know the feeling:


Main Entry: bon mot

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural bons mots \b - m (z)\ or bon mots \- m (z)\

Etymology: French, literally, good word

Date: circa 1730


For compounds adopted directly from the French where the head comes at the end, it is generally regarded as acceptable either to pluralize both words or only the last:

beau geste beaux gestes/beau gestes

belle époque belles époques/belle époques

bon mot bons mots/bon mots

bon vivant bons vivants/bon vivants

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