> Since you've read these books, can you apply them to the question of the
> advisability or not of abolishing corporate personhood?
> Michael
Abolishing corporate personhood is only marginally more than a slogan for those neo-populists trying to rethink markets and democracy while working too hard to avoid being labeled communists or socialists or petit bourgeois capitalists and other cold war labels/sneers by adversaries and potential allies.
Methinks abolishing corporate personhood is beside the point[s]. There are no slogans/rallying yelps currently on offer by/for leftists, Carrol's fetishization of No notwithstanding. Deeper analyses and offers on what is to be done about the antagonisms between corporations and democracy and/or the overcomeability of contemporary capitalism that focuses on actual institutional cum legal frameworks is, imo, more important in changing the terrain of discourse on everything from health care provision to industrial ecology, than zero sum debates on whether the legal realists or marxist theories of property and the state or what have you are better techniques for thinking about transforming corporations to accord with democratic aspirations. Computational embryology is easy compared to rethinking democracy. It remains to be seen if rights talk is tapped out given the panopticonomics that is insinuating itself into all too many aspects of our lives.