More recently (and perhaps more to our liking), she invited students to blog on their protests against tuition hikes, student loan issues, etc. This apparently started in California, where things have been coming to a head. We may have heard about the recent riot in Berkeley. There's now a scheduled national Day of Action. This seems promising.
On a related matter, I was yesterday at a public hearing with the NYC public advocate (De Blasio) on parental involvement in public school issues. It was at the Brooklyn boro hall, well attended. One could feel the discontent with the status quo, way beyond strict school issues. I made a 2-minute speech, in which I told De Blasio, "You asked for ideas [on how to resolve the issues of school closings, budget cuts]. I'm ready to march on Washington" -- which got me a big applause. We want this energy to get organized and focused. Initiatives like those A. Huffington is coming up with are welcome, I think.