Dennis Perrin wrote:
> As clever as Stewart, Colbert, and their staffs are, they are essentially
> release valves for when the system overheats or appears out of control. They
> are as wedded to the corporate state as any paid functionary, which makes
> sense, since they make nice livings from it. Stewart's apology for calling
> Truman a war criminal is but one example. Their early love of Obamamania is
Dennis, do you really think there can be such a thing as anti-capitalist art in the absence of an anti-capitalist movvement? For thousands of intllectuals Max, Lenin, Luxemburg, Mao, Che peraform the same service that you describe Stewear, etc providing.
Given a movment, pretty shabby art can do wonderful thngs; absent a movement, there is no such thing as radical art.