> <http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/0,1518,686305,00.html>
Ah German English jokes. Like fart jokes, evergreen.
I just want to point out that:
> Tittelconsulting, a marketing agency
is almost as funny as Fucking Hell, and that the last paragraphs are the best. The Onion could not do better:
> It is likely to heighten Fucking's fame, which is something Meindl, the
> town's mayor, isn't happy about, given the trouble the name has caused it
> over the years. "Twelve or 13 town signs have been stolen. We've taken to
> fixing them with concrete, welding and rivets."
> The Bavarian towns of Kissing and Petting have the same problem, as does the
> eastern German town of Pissing. But so far, there are no plans to name a beer
> after them.