Wolf Blitzer, CNN's reigning jackass, asked Kentucky's senator elect Rand Paul if he would favor restoring Clinton-era tax rates on those making more than $250,000 a year. Paul said (I paraphrase) that you have to understand that we are all interconnected in the economy. There are no rich. There are no middle class. There are no poor. We're all interconnected.
Does anything speak better to the pathetic nature of the Obama administration than the election of people who are truly insane in their everyday thinking? I don't know if anyone saw the debate between Sharron Angle and Harry Reid. We were in Nevada and it was impossible not to see some of it if you watched TV. Reid put on a performance that suggests that he has brain damage. Angl,e who is as stupid and devoid of thought as they come, beat Reid to a pulp.
In the face of all this, all organized labor can do is spend a fortune on the worthless Democrats. John L Lewis has surely turned over in his grave after hearing the vacuous political babbling of Rich Trumka.
michael yates