But I think you'd agree that Gibbs was aiming his barb not at those "who wouldn't be satisfied with Kucinich as President" but more broadly at those who would be, and especially at those in the party who favoured Obama and have been disappointed by him.
^^^^^ CB: I don't know. I think he ended up sort of ambigously criticizing the parts of the left that I would criticize - those who wouldn't be satisfied with Kucinch, with any Democrat. A Lou Proyect type position. I don't think he is so foolish as to think saying somebody should be drug-tested would change their mind back. Maybe it's two groups: those disappointed who are disappointed because they are listening to the second group ( that needs to be drug-tested) too much.
I remember three aspects of what Gibbs said. "professional left", "wouldn't be satisfied with Kucinich", and " should be drug-tested". I think Gibbs had a bit of an emotional outburst, but to put an, therefore, overly logical grid on what he said. I like the "professional left" reference because "professional" is ambiguous with a major aspect of its meaning as very respectful. It implies people who are seriously and responsibly dedicated to their political thinking. This is amazingly respectful from a US Presidential Press Secretary to refer to any "left" that respectfully. The "wouldn't be satified with Kucinch " reference shows sophisticated knowledge of the different parts of the left. Another thing no other US Presidential Press Sec. has shown, probably ever. The "drug-tested" is a joke and staying wholesome ,a big Obama trope.