[lbo-talk] the Mises gang pays tribute to Rudolf Rocker

B. docile_body at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 2 11:36:57 PDT 2010

Weird. Although the book they're discussing is primarily an early take-down of racism and especially the eugenics movement of that time, tying it to nationalism, and was purported to have a lot of admirers in strange places (like Albert Einstein, for one).

Still, I wonder what the Mises folks would think of, say, this:

"Only in the realm of economy are the workers able to display their full strength; for it is their activity as producers which holds together the whole social structure and guarantees the existence of society. Only as a producer and creator of social wealth does the worker become aware of his strength. In solidary union with his followers he creates the great phalanx of militant labour, aflame with the spirit of freedom and animated by the ideal of social justice. For the Anarcho-Syndicalists the labour syndicate are the most fruitful germs of a future society, the elementary school of Socialism in general. Every new social structure creates organs for itself in the body of the old organism; without this prerequisite every social evolution is unthinkable." (Rudolf Rocker, from _Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism_)

And while looking for a pro-socialism quote from Rocker on the web, I also found this quote of yours, Doug, on a page with some Rocker quotes:

"Yesterday's Seattle Times had an article on the delegation of anarchists from Eugene, Oregon, who are being blamed for most of the violence. The Eugenians - playing the always-useful role of outside agitators - published a manifesto denouncing the unions and NGOs protesting the WTO as "part of the glue holding a rotting order together. It's time to create a new world from the ashes after the ruined one. Fight back and don't get caught." And they didn't; almost all the arrestees were doing nothing violent, while the window-smashers seem to have skipped town unhindered. Before leaving, though, the Eugene anarchists amazingly flattened the tires of eight police cars and spray-painted them with the circled A that symbolizes anarchism. Doing that takes amazing nerve; getting away with it is stunning." -- Doug Henwood




----- Original Message ---- From: Doug Henwood <dhenwood at panix.com> To: lbo-talk <lbo-talk at lbo-talk.org> Sent: Fri, October 1, 2010 12:17:23 PM Subject: [lbo-talk] the Mises gang pays tribute to Rudolf Rocker

A Tribute to Rudolf Rocker (1873–1958) by Jeff Riggenbach on October 1, 2010


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