>Oh come on - Semiotext(e) have some cool stuff you won't find anywhere else;
Like Overexposed, by the French guy.
>Maybe U of MN is also crypto-fascist?
And MIT as well, since they're publishing Semiotext(e) books too:
From Semiotext(e): Overexposed Perverting Perversions Sylvère Lotringer
with a new introduction by the author and an additional chapter
Do you ever get aroused by your patient's fantasies? Do you discover through them something about your own sexuality? About my sexuality? You are exposed to a lot of fantasies. Oh yes. Quite frankly, I think it has a satiation effect on me. I've been a sex researcher for ten years, and sometimes I get fed up with it, you know. I talk to people about sex all day long, and it does get to be a drag.
from Overexposed