Apologies if the formatting doesn't come through. ------------------------------- Doug: "Have they? You mean this show was something like payback? I don't listen to DN! so I'm woefully underinformed.Doug." Me: You should watch the show! It's very good on most things but not so good on LGBT issues. On LGBT issues DN tends to follow the line of the big gay lobbyists like HRC (Human Rights Coalition) and their imitators. The line is, essentially, a push for LGBT rights in three areas: Marriage; Hate Crimes; and the Military. All three of which are potentially bolster religious, prison industrial and military infrastructure. There's a debate on the complexity of these agendas in the radical and progressive LGBT community that rarely reaches the radical and progressive straight world. Lt. Choi represents the push for LGBT participation in the U.S. military. He's a favorite of groups like the Log Cabin Republicans who have brought a legal case against the U.S. government to end "Don't Ask/Don't Tell". http://tiny.cc/u61f9 Choi has been very careful not to answer questions about whether he supports the U.S.'s occupation of Iraq and its engagements in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In the interview, his opening response to Mattilda is that the employment that the military offers poor and harassed queer youth across the country makes the ending of DADT necessary yet he clearly has no position on the inequity of the military's poverty draft. I wonder if Lt. Choi supports another gay former member of the military, Bradley Manning who is currently serving something like 50 years in a federal prison for leaking military documents to Wikileaks? http://tiny.cc/5cijp fm