Stewart likes to portray himself as a wise moderate standing in between the extremes of right and left. He thinks he's pretty cool. I don't think Stewart is that funny but that's personal taste. I think the reporters on the show are funnier than he is as is Colbert. I think it is a sign of the benighted state of our country when the Daily Show, Colbert and Bill Maher are the most intelligent forums in the mass media today. Stewart, or the Daily Show writers who do his bits for him, says some intelligent things, is moderately decent on Israel, etc. I don't get it when people talk about the Daily Show as if it is a really profound left-progressive media outlet. I guess people are just hungry for any sign of modest intelligence in the mass media. But some people talk about him like he's a deep thinker or IF Stone or Ben Bagdikian or something. The Daily Show does a good job pointing out certain vapid performances on TV news outlets but it is not often that the satire provides you with any look at the real nature of powerful institutions in this country. I know, I know, it's a comedy show but some people treat it like it is more than that. Stewart is pretty much a conventional moderate liberal thinker, even though he gives occasional evidence that he is aware of radical ideas and thinkers like Chomsky. He has several times referred to Hugo Chavez as a brutal dictator.
Chris Green _!/profile.php?id=44901401_ (!/profile.php?id=44901401)