"What is 'noise' to the old order is harmony to the new." - Jacques Attali, _Noise: The Political Economy of Music_
"Music now seems hardly more than a somewhat clumsy excuse for the self-glorification of musicians and the growth of a new industrial sector." - Jacques Attali, _Noise: The Political Economy of Music_ ...and yet I see someone with the same -- or a similar -- name, is now out there pushing for the cuts in Francer's public pensions that teenage lovers are making out in the streets to protest? Please tell me it's not the same guy! (Doug is right -- in the USA, you'd never see teens or 20-somethings rioting to preserve retirement benefits. Ticket refunds for Taylor Swift, maybe. But that? No. <http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/10/france_on_strike.html> -- 19th picture downo wit.) -B.