[lbo-talk] Tariq Ramadan wrong on appeasing right in Cordoba House fight

Gar Lipow the.typo.boy at gmail.com
Mon Sep 13 15:36:31 PDT 2010


Tariq Ramadan argues for moving the Islamic center in Manhattan both in a Washington Post Op , and in a Democracy Now debate. Show sensitivity to the U.S. reaction to 911, Ramada says, make a strategic retreat. I agree with Moustafa Bayoumi that this would be a huge mistake.

Originally the Cordoba House had wide support across the political spectrum outside the Muslim community including liberals and including right wing commentators on Fox. It was only when Fox started promoting right wing extremist Muslim bashing against the Islamic community center that opposition to it was stirred up. So it is not, as Ramadan implies, that the Muslim community accidentally crossed a line they insensitively missed, and triggered all this hate. Rather, after they had crossed a point with no opposition, a line was drawn behind them with much shouting that they had crossed it.

Giving in to this bullying will gain the Muslim community nothing. The process of drawing a line behind you, then crying about how insensitive you are for having crossed that line can always be repeated. Right wing extremists can always weep crocodile tears at imaginary offenses as an excuse to take away real rights. Better to fight it now, without giving racists a precedent to cite the next time.

-- Facebook: Gar Lipow Twitter: GarLipow Grist Blog: http://www.grist.org/member/1598 Static Web Page: http://www.nohairshirts.com

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