> http://www.gallup.com/poll/147338/Americans-Blame-Wasteful-Government-Spending-Deficit.aspx
> [WS:] It seems that most Americans believe in flat earth economics.
> In this light, Obama's administration should be admired for their
> heroic stand against the idiocy of the American popular "wisdom."
> Wojtek
You mean because, about twice a year, they make staggeringly mild defenses
of rationalizing reductions in social spending as a counter to right wing
insanity, all the while moving further and further towards the insane cuts
approach refusing even to listen to utterly mainstream economists like
Krugman and policy wonks like Reich? And because, they claim to make
reductions in military expenditures when all they are doing is making the
most minor reductions in rates of increased military expenditures? You gotta
be kidding me. Or maybe your comment was snark...?