> On Aug 3, 2011, at 1:39 PM, Andy wrote:
>> Does anybody know of a decent semi-comprehensive account of what's
>> getting axed in the $900B?
> white house fact sheet: http://www.whitehouse.gov/fact-sheet-victory-bipartisan-compromise-economy-american-people
I think what Andy's looking for is a detailed breakdown of specific programs that get the axe. This fact sheet doesn't give that, because it has to be decided each year through the Congressional committee process. All the deal does is set overall caps, which, as the fact sheet brags (and assuming they're stuck to) "Reduces Domestic Discretionary Spending to the Lowest Level Since Eisenhower." Also, I've read that the fact sheet's claims about defense cuts are questionable: it conflates actual Pentagon spending with overall "security" spending, so it's not clear whether it will all come out of the Pentagon's hide.