preparing for the hurricane, i was printing out some old address files which I haven't really updated in a year. Happened across the name of a friend of mine who I hadn't heard much from since he'd gotten married, though we corresponded a couple of times a year. I had written earlier this year, and had sent a Christmas card, but never heard from him. Chalked it up to him being busy.
Anyway, he's an old friend and someone old timers here will remember Joe from this list and its precursor, Bad Subjects list. His name was Joe Noonan, he lived in Houston, and he sometimes went by the handle, "budge".
Noonan passed away. The date is incorrect, but the obit is for reals. It mentioned his wife, his ex-partner, and I see the names of people in the comments section to whom he sometimes referred in our conversations about his work.
-- Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)