> I spent a quarter of my life in academia and half in corporate IT
> jobs, and I found the working atmosphere in the corporate IT world to
> be far freer and more collegial than in academia.
I had the same experience. Though the white-collar corporate workplace, even in IT, has become a lot more brutish than it used to be, with no end in sight.
> I'd also like to add that it pains me to see Alan R. and Michael S
> squabbling because it's pretty clear to me that you guys are both
> very cool and that you have a good deal more in common than in diff.
Point taken. I'm sure you're right and I'll dial down the snideness.
-- --
Michael J. Smith mjs at smithbowen.net
http://stopmebeforeivoteagain.org http://www.cars-suck.org http://fakesprogress.blogspot.com
Any proposition that seems self-evident is almost certainly false.