The UK activist scene seems to be a lot more media savvy than the US wing which seems to be content to playing the domestic radical extremist card pretty much on cue to the Defence Authorization Act
I watched a snippet of the politics of emergency on Fox News this morning and they where absolutely stoked that the Occupy Wall Street crew "had big plans for the NRC"
Nixon would be loving it
> Occupy Together
> ?Occupy the London Stock Exchange liberated an abandoned court and
> will be putting the 1% on trial.
> "These will not be show trials, but public airings of wrongdoing
> perpetuated by those in positions of authority."
> Occupy London liberates abandoned East End magistrate?s court to put
> the one per cent on trial | Occ
> As the Occupy London Stock Exchange (OccupyLSX) occupation prepares to
> present its case at the High Court today, members of Occupy London
> alongside a group of military veterans ? Occupy Veterans ? have
> liberated a disused court house in London?s Est End. The opening of
> Occupy London?s fourth occupa...