[lbo-talk] Goodbye to the export of surplus capital?

Michael Pollak mpollak at panix.com
Sun Feb 6 19:07:32 PST 2011

On Sun, 6 Feb 2011, SA wrote:

> The new LRB has a good (and beautifully written) essay by Benjamin
> Kunkel giving a detailed precis of Harvey's argument. The linchpin of
> the chain of argument (as concerns current economic conditions) is this
> thesis. Unfortunately, the thesis doesn't make any sense - not only
> empirically but theoretically.
> If there are fewer real investment opportunities, the result will be less
> real investment. It won't be more financial speculation.

Yanis Varafoukis has a different but similar argument you might find interesting -- a similar attribution of the expanded financial sector to a gusher of money, but attributing it not to lack of investment but rather to the central international imbalances of trade:


The second initiative is a short book that I have just today began

writing and which I plan to finish by the end of January. Its full

title: The Global Minotaur: The True Origins of the Financial Crisis

and the Future of the World Economy (to be published by Z Books). Here

is an abstract of what I intend the book to be:

In 2008 the world astonished itself. Apprehension replaced

intellectual complacency and an anxious public began to demand

explanations of what had happened. So, what happened? And what was the

significance of the Crash of 2008 for the generations to come?

The Global Minotaur suggests that the events of 2008 mark a turning

point in world history which cannot be understood properly in the

conventional way of blaming financialisation, greedy bankers, remiss

regulators, profligate borrowers etc. etc. The book's main argument

will be that the crisis which erupted in 2008 is invested with the

significance both of 1929 (the first major global financial calamity

that turned into a global depression) and of 1971 (the collapse of

Bretton Woods). Financialisation was not the cause of 2008. Nor was

ineffectual regulation of banks. Greed was not the culprit. Nor was

globalisation the perpetrator. The Fed's policies did not initiate the

crisis. Europe's monetary union was flawed. But it was not responsible

for the catastrophe that now afflicts Europe. All these were but

co-determined symptoms of a general dynamic to which they contributed.

What was that dynamic? The proposed book's title offers a hint.

1929 brought us (once the war was over) a Global Plan (1947-1971). In

its context, world capitalism was managed centrally (e.g. fixed

exchange rates and controlled capital movements). An interventionist

USA exported capital and goods to its two main overseas protégés

(Europe and Japan) and, thus, acted as the main creditor economy.

Hegemony provided stability and set the parameters of global growth on

the basis of a twin surplus of capital and trade (in relation to the

rest of the capitalist world).

During the 1960s US hegemony was challenged when the twin surplus

turned into a twin deficit, threatening the dollar and the capacity of

the US to project its economic power globally. The Global Plan, thus,

came to an end. 1971 saw the deliberate dismantling of the Global Plan

and its substitution with a calculated disintegration of global

capitalism. The purpose of this `controlled destabilisation' was to

allow for ever increasing US trade deficits financed by a steady flow

of capital from the rest of the world. Hegemony was therefore

maintained on a very different basis: massive and ever increasing

deficits financed consistently by the rest of the world. Just like the

Athenians maintained, in the name of peace and `prosperity', a steady

flow of tributes to the Cretan beast, so did the `rest of the world'

(this time voluntarily) sent a tsunami of capital to Wall Street

(between $3 and $5 billion net daily for more than 25 years).

This Global Minotaur became the `engine' that pulled the world economy

from the early 1980s to 2008. It was highly unbalanced, relied on ever

increasing deficits to keep itself going, caused much devastation in

the third world, boosted poverty within the US itself (as it imposed

unprecedented austerity on the US working class in order to maintain

the low inflation necessary to remain attractive to world capital), and

created the circumstances for a slow burning recession in the US'

former protégés (Europe and Japan). Nonetheless, it also financed

remarkable technological innovations, created (at least of paper)

tremendous wealth, enriched beyond their wildest dreams those in the

centre and the periphery of financialised capitalism and, more

importantly, created a level of global aggregate demand that gave the

impetus for the growth of China (and to a lesser extent India).

The Crash of 2008 is associated with the financial sector where it

materialised. Thus it appeared as a crisis of financialisation.

However, the book will argue, financialisation was a mere byproduct of

the Minotaur, as opposed to a process with its own independent causes.

If you give Wall Street bankers $3 to $5 billion new money daily to

play with, they will devise ways of making that money work for them. It

is in their nature to do precisely that. The question is not what the

bankers did with the incessant capital flows that came their way. The

question is: Why did so much capital flow toward them for so long (thus

enabling them to set the financialisation process into motion)? What

were the causes behind the stupendous capital inflow into Wall Street;

which I call the Global Minotaur? How did this extraordinary creature

survive for so long? Did it rise spontaneously or was its `birth' aided

and abetted by the US government?

Once we comprehend the dynamics of these capital inflows into Wall

Street, it is straightforward to come to terms with its repercussions;

i.e. with Wall Street's financial instruments (which were devised on

the back of the Minotaur) and the manner in which, soon after their

inception, they developed a logic and a life of their own. The book

will explain how, from the mid 1990s onwards, these financial

instruments began to play the role of private money. Thus, a huge boost

in the quantity of `money' doing the rounds in global markets

(particularly between 2000 and 2008) gave rise to inexorable

profiteering, a gargantuan increase in real estate and financial

assets, an unstoppable surge of privatisations etc. World capitalism,

in short, got hooked on the private money produced almost at will by

banks and financial institutions, forcing the hands of government to

join in.

Alas, the mountains of private money gave rise to mountainous bubbles.

When these bubbles burst in 2008, the private money turned into ashes

and the world entered a new phase. Governments rushed in to replace the

lost private money with freshly minted public money. The intervention

worked for a while but soon after the financial sector began creating

fresh private money in the form of bets; bets that the states would

buckle under the debt they procured to save... the financial sector

(from itself). Thus the crisis continues in different guises

(oscillating between the private and the public sectors).

The book will account for our current conundrum as follows: While the

Minotaur remains alive, albeit injured and timid compared to the

pre-2008 era, it no longer has the capacity it once did (during

1980-2008) globally to create sufficient aggregate demand to avert

crises. Today's crisis in Europe, the heated debates about austerity

versus further fiscal stimuli in the US, the clash between China's

authorities and the Obama administration on exchange rates, the role of

Germany on the world economic stage etc. are best seen as inevitable

symptoms of the weakening Minotaur; of a global `system' which is now

as unsustainable as it is imbalanced. The book will finish with an

assessment of the near future and the options available to us for

reintroducing a modicum of reason into a highly irrational world order.

<end excerpt>


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