[lbo-talk] The Left has more than enough mystique and values, but lacks discipline and accountability

Wojtek S wsoko52 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 24 09:03:52 PST 2011

I do not understand the premise of your first question (frankly i think it has no meaning at all, just emotive connotations) - so I will skip it.

As to your second issue, its premise that capitalism has self-corrective measures whereas socialism or social democracy does not is demonstrably false. In fact, that premise was underlying Milton Friedman's argument outlined in _Capitalism and Freedom_. This premise can be critiqued in two ways. First, "inefficiency" or high transaction costs in empirical terms is a commodity that can be bought as any other commodity. Therefore factors leading to the supposed "inefficiency" in Friedman's argument (e.g. prejudices, privileges, discrimination etc.) can persist in a market system if the participants treat them as something they can and should buy with their profits. Nobody will seriously argue that conspicuous consumption of luxury goods is going to be "corrected" by the market, so they same logic applies to the privilege of discriminating against any particular group of people, which another luxury that market players can purchase with their money.

The second line of criticism aim at the underlying assumption that the difference between capitalism and socialism is the ownership of the means of production. This ownership is supposed to motivate individuals to increase efficiency, whereas the lack of it does not provide such motivation. In reality, however, the control of the means of production under both so called socialism and so called capitalism was in the same hands - executives who did not owned the assets they managed but rather gambled with other people's money (OPM.) Pure socialism and pure capitalism are basically figments of imagination, fantasies created by economists for political and self-delusional purposes. In reality all modern economies are based on complex organizations run by professional functionaries and technocrats whose interests do not necessarily coincide with those of their organizations or nominal owners of these organizations. There is plenty of evidence that those functionaries deliberately run aground their organizations for a personal profit.

In other words, the motivation of managers and functionaries that run the former USSR and the US are pretty much the same - to suck up as much of OPM they manage as possible and get away with it. I call it Mosquito Theory of Executive Compensation (MITEC) - as mosquitoes do not have lungs so they cannot such, the amount of blood they take in depends solely on the pressure in the blood vessel to which they tap in. So why is that under the system labeled "socialism" or "social-democracy" this is the cause of the supposed inefficiency, while under the system labeled "capitalism" this is miraculously supposed to produce "efficiency"?

Of course you can counter this by denying the centrality of complex organizations and their managements to capitalism, but that would leave you in a rather precarious position implying that the supposed efficiency of capitalism has it roots in small business, mom-and-pop shops. This is laughable on its face.


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