[lbo-talk] Libya´s Nescafe

Fernando Cassia fcassia at gmail.com
Fri Feb 25 21:09:08 PST 2011

On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 9:35 PM, Shane Mage <shmage at pipeline.com> wrote:
> nil.  LSD makes you sane, not insane.

So that legend about CIA spilling drinks with LSD to discredit the anti-war movement is a myth?.

---- Of course, the CIA claims that such a use of LSD was never contemplated against domestic targets. But the Agency, in violation of its own (pre-Reagan) charter, gathered domestic intelligence right from the start, and during the height of the anti-war movement, coordinated Operation CHAOS with the FBI, military intelligence, and various police departments, to infiltrate and disrupt those pesky peaceniks. (173) The CIA intercepted and opened mail, tapped phones, ran smear campaigns. (174) As we have already seen, during the heyday of MK-ULTRA, the Agency tested LSD on unwitting US citizens, in conditions that were far from clinical and in ways that were nowhere near being "scientific." They even used each other as guinea pigs. And there are still unanswered questions about what role, if any, the CIA might have played in inundating the 1960s counter-culture with LSD and other drugs during a crucial period, or even if they possibly created the counter-culture, through unforeseen circumstances, or even as the ultimate MK-ULTRA experiment in mass psychological control and manipulation through drugs. ----



The LSD I will refer to is the same type of LSD that the CIA used because of the similarity of symptoms between their reports and what happened to musicians or hippies after 1967. We shall be speaking of CIA-LSD, not pure LSD.

Government agents and the ability to cause permanent insanity, identical to schizophrenia, without physician or family knowing what happened to the victim. "No physical examination of the subject is required prior to the administration of LSD. A physician need not be present. Physicians might be called for the hope they would make a diagnosis of mental-breakdown which would be useful in discrediting the individual who was the subject of CIA interest. Richard Helms, CIA Director, argued that administering drugs, including poisonous LSD, might be on individuals who are unwitting as this is the only realistic method of maintaining the capability considering the intended operational use to influence human behavior as the operational targets will certainly be unwitting."---Senate Report to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities", Book I, page 401, April 1976. ---

---- Leary supervised mind control experimentation at a CIA front in Berkeley, CA for 15 years prior to his massive media promotion in the latter '60s. Leary's role was to drug, distract and discredit the American anti-war movement. At the same time, the Agency - after an Army study proposed using potent hallucinogens for chemical warfare purposes - planted directions for the manufacture of LSD and STP in academic journals accessible to the public. Lysergic acid was in large part responsible for the decimation of the left in the '70s, just as heroin would be used to destroy the Haitian Rastafarian movement - it took no more than one year - a decade later. Hippies who defend Leary are wrong-headed and have an unconscionable view of Vietnam-era progressive history, IMhO. The drug's influence was destructive, and any "revelations" that came from it were personal and subjective, like reading Proust, self-indulgent, politically useless. - AC ---- http://www.whale.to/b/lsd_q.html FC

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