> I get more and more questions like: "When are you going to
> put the powerpoints up on Blackboard so I can start to study
> for the test?" which 95% of the time means: "I assume the
> chapter itself is unimportant and that everything I need to
> know is on - and all the relationships I need to understadnd
> can be gleaned from - the powerpoints."
I hope you give them what they ask for; or is it actually the case that your PowerPoints have everything needed for the test?
I see this all the time in the post-college world; people don't want to pay attention in a meeting because they think they can just read the slides later. Well, I've got news for them: the slides are an outline *for me* to work from and all the interesting bits are in what I'm saying, not what's in the slides.
That these people can get out of college with passing grades is purely the fault of the reinforcement they receive while in college.
This is a completely different question than the Subject: line would imply.