On Jul 8, 2011, at 9:18 PM, SA wrote:
> http://www.lepoint.fr/politique/election-presidentielle-2012/primaire-PS/les-candidats-a-la-primaire-ps-apprivoisent-internet-07-07-2011-1350524_325.php
> One of the better things that have come from the DSK affair is the elevation of Martin Aubry as the favorite for the Socialist Party nomination. She's no great hero, more of a faceless bureaucrat type, but her pragmatic opportunism seems balanced by a more skeptical attitude toward neoliberalism than with the other leading candidates, especially DSK.
DSK is not a leading candidate anymore.
> Totally aside from that, though, are these comments today. A lot of people will hate them, but personally they make me like her more.
> "Facebook and Twitter, I dread it....It's typical of this society where everyone gazes at his own navel....And then all those fake friends....Explaining my emotional states isn't my thing. Life is also being free to look beyond yourself."
I think it mostly shows she has no understanding of the technology at all, and of the people who use those technologies to exchange information. But she does not need to as long as people in her staff do understand.
(Facebook, twitter are not about gazing your navel but about having people gaze at your navel... And you are free to put your navel at the level you want.)
What that comment also suggests though is that because she seems to have little understanding of the current state of the socio-technological space, she's very likely to have little understanding of the current issues regarding IP protection and data sharing on the net. And that is a much more important problem now than caring to write about one's "emotional states" in 140 characters...