____ CB; Actually, white supremacy had "apogees" prior to the Nazis in the European invasion and genocidal usurpation of the Western Hemisphere and the African slave trade. ^^^^
"According to an intuition formulated at one time by Pierre-André Taguieff – who has today gone over, lock, stock and barrel to the neo-conservative Right – the contemporary racist discourse has undergone a veritable metamorphosis, giving up its hierarchical and “racialist” orientation (according to the old model of Gobineau, Chamberlain, Vacher de Lapouge or Lombroso) to become differentialist and culturalist. In other words, it has slid from the “science of races” to ethnocentrism [1]. These changes, however, do not modify the old mechanism of social rejection and moral exclusion that Erving Goffman summarized by the concept of stigma [2]."