Mmmmmmm, someone uses an Aristotelean/Thomist vocabulary to understand embryology and then goes on to mischaracterize the views of a list member who takes Darwin as seriously as anyone on the list as an Hegelian.
CB: "Nature" has new non-Aristotelean/Thomist content since Darwin. My comments are quite seriously Darwinian to boot. R u kidding ? The Hegelian comments are a joke. "Anyone on the list" is an exaggeration. I was talking about Carrol and Miles. And by the way, Carrol at least doesn't take Darwin seriously in this discussion Hmmmmmmmmmmmm back at u.
We won't even go into the referential problems that have cropped up in the last 15 or so years around the term "gene" or, gasp, "nature."
^^^^^^^ CB: We won't go into the problems that have cropped up with the terms "referential problems" in the last century or more. "Nature" is the least of your problems. Don't u have referential problems with "ecology" , too ? However u think u get out of the referential problems with "ecology" just use the same method and presto u'll be out of the problems with "nature". Oh and no , there r not really epistemological problems with "objective reality" , unless u just want to keep spinning around in Kantian confusion and agnosticism and doubt, so that u can do philosophy instead of changing the world. It was Hegel who put this Kantian self-debilitating mental mas...u know to task. Things-in-themselves r knowable by the test of practice, even as all our knowledge is of relative ,not absoulute, true. And See Theses on Feuerbach, especially # 2 http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1845/theses/theses.htm