[lbo-talk] She is one ugly cunt....

// ravi ravi at platosbeard.org
Sun Jun 12 19:58:17 PDT 2011

On Jun 12, 2011, at 1:17 PM, Carrol Cox wrote:
> The word choice was the expression of a loser, of someone who has totally given up on politics, a loser, and is reduced to the childish practice of calling the victorious enemy names.

I know I probably have a non-theoretical and quirky idea of the Left, which I have always taken to be thought and actions in defence of the underdog. Which means getting used to losing a lot. I have to admit though that I never entered politics, let alone give up on it.

At the same time, I think it is a mistake to underestimate the power of calling names and throwing fists.

The Meera Nandas of the world can churn out papers and books to comfort the converted, with the argument that politics occurs at (or is driven by) some intellectual/philosophical level. The Hindutva murderers and rapists in India, or the cops shooting fleeing black people in New Orleans, don’t give a fuck about pomo. They are not interested in discussing the pitfalls of moral relativism or the objective, universal explanatory power of science as an epistemology. Michelle Rhee wages no different, and no less unsubtle a war. To call such enemies names gives flesh to feelings, serves as a way to gather and magnify emotions, and work up the will to hit back.

On the flip side, I suspect a lot of the long duration wrangling on this list, which often descends to baiting and such, would be much faster settled if it were done the old-fashioned way. Put people face to face and the difference might disappear over a drink and a smile.

On the usage and abusage of “ugly cunt”, I have no opinion, other than that I have always assumed it is (or has become) a gender neutral expression.


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