[lbo-talk] Weiner unhid!

SA s11131978 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 12:33:26 PDT 2011

On 6/13/2011 3:02 PM, Michael Smith wrote:

>> *Other* than wallowing in spite for Democrats, what are your politics?
>> I'm just curious.
> Idiosyncratic. Hard to sum up in a word. In flux. Decidedly
> left, I would say, though there are probably people who would
> argue with this self-characterization. Definitely not a liberal,
> and highly suspicious of the vague term "progressive", which seems
> to be merely a euphemism for "liberal" most of the time. Great
> admirer of Karl Marx, to the modest extent that I understand that
> mighty thinker. Anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, pro-labor.
> A touch of the Maoist tarbrush in my past, but currently
> unconnected with any party or even tendency. Does this help?

Yes, that helps.

I just wonder how much your actual politics are advanced by your whatever-causes-Democrats-pain policy. It seems to me the former is ego, the latter all id. There needs to be a superego in there somewhere. Unless it's just all blowing off steam on the internet, in which case I get it, believe me. But I mean, after a while isn't all the steam blown?


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