The Oscar-winning director has been tweeting about his belief that Bin Laden should have received a trial, and his theory that Pakistan was keeping the Al Qaeda head under house arrest. TheWrap grilled Moore about his controversial views.
...In your tweets you say that Pakistan was safeguarding Bin Laden.
Michael M: This is not a conspiracy theory. This was a garrison city.
He was living in a compound attached to their version of West Point.
> That, along with the assertion from the Pakistan authorities that their intelligence service had pointed out that location to US intelligence as long as a year ago, supports theories that the WH may have been holding the employment of this execution for an opportune time (electoral advancement).
^^^^^ CB: So if as long ago as June of 2010 OBL had been killed nobody would have said
the timing was for electoral advancement last November , right ? Or it should have been the day after the election in 2010, no ?