> http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-france-backlash-20110518,0,1675294.story
Whoa, thanks for this link. This is a great specimen. And it ran in the news pages!
> It was only a matter of time...before the America-bashing would begin
> in France....one of its predictable, periodic spasms of
> anti-Americanism.....Sniping...niggling...criticizing...trashing...shame
> and self-pity.
> There is a sense in France of one rule for the elite and another for
> the rest of the population.
Boy, it really is a different world over there.
> It was brought into sharp focus Tuesday when French broadcast
> authorities warned news organizations that images of suspects in
> handcuffs, not unusual with noncelebrity suspects, contravened the law
> regarding the "dignity" of detainees.
If a police post ever tried to arrange a perp walk in France -- an unknown phenomenon there -- someone would be fired. And if papers ran the photo, they would be fined. The scare quotes around "dignity" speak volumes.
> In truth, it takes very little for France to revert to its default
> position on the United States.
What's really unfair is that they say nasty things about us in the press.