ravi was semi quoting Pascal who wrote in his Pensees:
Le coeur a de raisons que la raison ne connait pas.
....or something very close to that. Literally translated it says:
The heart has reasons that reason does not know.
So it's not just "feelings" it is, in particular, a feeling that grows out of love. So, it posits love above reason.
So the discussion, as Pascal intended is about positing something higher than Reason (let's remember he was a mathematician). He is precisely arguing against the superiority of reason, so if "irrational" means to denigrate the power or truth of love, then I think Pascal would disagree.
^^^^ CB: Not "reason" (giggles) not to claim that loving is very reasonable. Also, can't love very well if one's approach is irrational. For Love = Reason. Love is being very sociable. Sociality and love are the core of human rationality. Human are social beings.