Meanwhile, last night i read twitter feeds for reporters. from new yorkist feed:
1. they wouldn't let media within a block of the place 2. forcefully put down media attempts to get footage whenever they could 3. media intimidation by taking away press badgres 4. used lrad devices to confuse, irritate, cause pain 5. some media were arrested = new york times reporter among them 6. police helicopters were forcefully keeping news helicopters from getting overhead footage 7. they operated much as they did here, in Oakland, Portland, Seattle: unceremoniously shoved everything in big piles and put them in dumpsters - then assuring everyone they could get their stuff back. @@
The coordination is now undeniable. Michael Moors is tweeting up some agitprop about obama having a hand in coordinating.
-- Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)