The romantic notion that Kennedy was about to change those policies has beguiled liberals for years - altho' the notion grew up only long after Kennedy was dead.
For the final flowering of the fantasy, see the (very) recent book by theologian James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters (Orbis, 20
^^^^^ CB: It is not romantic but a cold blooded fact that Kennedy negotiated a Test Ban Treaty with the Soviets, negotiated with the Soviets that Cuba would keep its Commie revolution ( the Cuban Missile Crisis) , that there fanatical anti-Communists were all over the military-industrial-complex and that Lee Harvey Oswald who killed Kennedy was about the most obvious CIA agent you could imagine. Oswald was a Good Ole Boy with a Soviet wife ! A good old boy , sharpshooter who spoke Russian or was around Russian speakers.