So I went and read the above page, having been inspired by your review. For those seeking a quick summary, below is Jodi Dean’s argument as I see it:
Executive summary:
These people aren’t good Leninists like you and me. They are ISO9000 Nazis!
Short summary:
My language to describe OWS leads to my suggestion that hegemonizing the movement is problematic which implies a goal for OWS that is just plain self-deception and confusion. Therefore, this is not my revolution.
Logical breakdown:
1. I am using a language to describe OWS. 2. My language suggests attempts to hegemonize OWS is a problem for OWS. 3. That suggestion of mine implies indeterminacy is the goal of OWS. 4. There is something wrong!! There’s a built-in confusion!! 5. Raise the alarm! Self-deception!! 6. Process is the end, not the means! 7. OMG! These people aren’t overthrowing capitalism! 8. I don’t want to play.