> So does that mean Amnesty International, another fictional person,
> should have its Bill of Rights protections limited too? Or a legally
> registered food co-op? Does that mean David Koch, a natural person,
> should be free to buy elections, just as long as he doesn't do it
> through Koch Industries Inc.?
> It's not a good idea that's been miscast. It's just a bad idea, that
> starts from the wrong premise. If the aim is to get money out of
> politics, then why not just make the slogan Money Isn't Speech?
You're right. That is better.
^^^^^^^^^ CB: Getting rid of corporate personhood does not solve everything, but it's a step and it's sort of catches a lot of people's interest and favor.
Get money out of politics , but what makes OWS a revolution in the protest form is that it gets POLITICS INTO THE MARKET (WHERE THE MONEY IS). It politicizes the market place. It confronts the actual ruling class more directly.