[lbo-talk] OWS Demands working group: jobs for all!

shag carpet bomb shag at cleandraws.com
Thu Oct 20 16:35:52 PDT 2011

First of all, anarchist in this conversation is a floating signifier. It means whatever its critics want it to mean. For example, earlier today, you posted at your blog that Anarchists themselves have good arguments about the problems with Anarchism. I don't think you typed that in, uh, good faith at all. Using the words of an anarchist was just a way for you to say something about anarchism you wanted to say anyway. I mean, hey, if anarchists already know the problems with their positions, then why doesn't Jacobin host another debate only this time let the anarchists duke it out among themselves while ya'll videotape it and sit int he audience making wanking gestures since, after all, making wanking gestures at things you don't like is sooooo much more manly than twinkling.

I mean, the worst that could happen (or maybe the best) is that they will all collectively wank jizz into their individually unique snowflake navels. Once it dries, everyone can scrape out the encrusted jizz and pull up various milky formations for inspection, classification and ridicule.

It would be a rich source of amusement and reportage and when OWS fizzles out Jacobin can be victorious curators of The Museum of Anarchist Jizz Formation. To the victor go the spoils!

Yesterday, Doug complained on facebook that surveys demonstrated a remarkable mainstream democrat vibe at OWS. A pity, said Doug, thereby explaining big D Democrat party fealty as the source of some of the problems.

Oh woe. It'll never go anywhere because they will just vote Democrat during the next year jizzable - I mean divisible - by four.

Today, however, the kids lovin' up Democrats don't look so bad. Looks like maybe some of those weiny Librools have done gone and worked up a demand for full employment. Or something.

Yay Democrats. Maybe they can redeem themselves after all.

Heroes! Our kinda movement! Yay!

But o noes, here comes the anarchists - because it couldn't possibly have been the little a anarchists Graeber was talking about who came up with that one, right? Right. So, the enemy anarchists come along and intend to block the full employment proposal - which is part of a broader demand for a constitutional convention for fuck's sake (which means these weirdo anarchists are OK with a constitution.... but neevermind that!)

Oh lord, what to do what to do. Consensus democracy is ok when it comes up with the demand you want, but when a faction can block it, oh noes!

We can't have democracy because of factionalism.

Must. Have. Party.

Must. Have. Procedure.

Discipline people, Discipline. Toe That Line and Tow Our Line.

Yay for da peepul. Except when they're not OUR kinda peepul.



> On 10/20/2011 5:11 PM, SA wrote:
>> Eric and others: you're just misunderstanding this "anarchist"
>> position.
> And you and Doug won't acknowledge that it IS a position. It may be
> wrong, but they hold it on the basis of careful thinking. Remember:
> Wrong opinions are not evidence of either stupidity or ignorance or
> immorality. They are just as rationally based as yours or mine are.
> Doug
> wants to call them purists -- then lies to himself that he hasn't
> comited the logical error of ad hominem argument. I don't believe
> either
> you or Doug are interested in changing opinions in OWS or in refuting
> the anarchist line; you are just interested in asserting the
> superiority
> of your opinion up in the bleachers sneering at those down below.
> I think the anarchists are probably wrong; I'm also glad that they are
> pushing it hard. I hope they hang in there. They've turned the world
> upside down; they have changed the public debate, they have opened up
> u.s. politics as they haven't been opened since 1967 or so.
> You two are the purists. You insist that only within your framework is
> argument legitimate. That is political suicide. There are other
> rational
> positons that are going to have a big voice in any social
> transformation
> from radical reform to smashing the state. You better leanr to respond
> to them in amore civil fashion or you aregoing to be mighty lonely.
> The anarchists are blocking a proposal. So what! They have a right to
> and they even have good reasons to. Again, I would do differently, but
> you haven't touched their position when you merely triumphantly
> proclaim, see, just as I said, they are blocking what I think is a
> good
> proposal. Get down there; wait your turn; argue for the proposal. Or
> form an organization of your own to work for a similar proposal.
> But you might give a few seconds to the following question: Would
> anyone
> anyplace be loudly discussing these proposed demands if it hadn't been
> for the OWS popular uprising spreading around the owrld. The demand is
> out there now, regardless of whether OWS adopts it! You have what you
> want and you are still just bellyaching about the way you got it.
> Carrol
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