it's also antidote to the fixation on NYC as if the rest of the world doesn't exist.
it's probably also of note that, as far as i could tell, there was also a strong element of support for the 2a among this group - based on a controversy that erupted over whether or not to allow weapons at the park site and encampment.
Oh, and speaking of, I was listening to students enrolled in diploma mills talk about their plight. It reminded me that providing a free college degree to everyone will do exactly squat for inequality. credential inflation and the demand for scarcity required in a capitalist economy will fix that problem right quick.
<quote> OCCUPY is a non-violent, non-partisan, not-for-profit activist group. We stand in solidarity with the OCCUPY WALL STREET movement and other occupations across the globe as a democratic, self-organizing collective. As a movement we stand on the primary principle that the influence of corporate money in our political process is unacceptable.
OCCUPY is dedicated to peace and always working within the law as we precipitate change, create a just and equitable society and stand against oppression, inequality and unnatural coercion. Anyone acting to harm another person or property is not welcome to be a part of OCCUPY.
Within our diversity of causes, everyone involved in OCCUPY agrees that the influence of corporations and their money in the political process is at the core of such wide ranging, systemic issues as the irresponsible and immoral policies that send soldiers to fight needless wars; degradation of the environment; and lack of access to such essential services as healthcare, education and a dignified standard of living for 99 percent of the population.
OCCUPY uses a democratic process known as General Assembly. We welcome people of all backgrounds and from all walks of life. We endorse no political party or interest group. Instead, we are building a community that we believe will one day lift all of humanity until there is no more hunger, homelessness or hopelessness in the world.
</quote> -- Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)