> MG: This suggests a fiscal union is impossible - or rather, impossible
> of receiving popular assent - because of linguistic and other national
> differences within Europe, but my impression is many in Germany and
> France who presently oppose a fiscal union with the Greeks, Italians,
> or Spanish would readily support one with the Swedes, Dutch, and
> British. There are economic considerations here which weigh as, or
> even more, heavily than national prejudices.
But that's because the Germans think Greece is a sinkhole while Sweden (they think) can usually/mostly pay for itself!
> Also:
>> SA: If you're looking for contradictions, why does the Chamber of Commerce not support a big stimulus package, since that would increase profits?
> MG: Actually, the C of C strongly supported Obama's stimulus package in 2009:
Exactly. As I pointed out a few months ago on this list.
So why don't they support one now, even though it would increase profits?