Here’ the thing I don’t understand.
1. The few big corps have vastly more power over govt than the many
small businesses.
2. Big corps have divvied up the market mostly and are not interested
in competing against each other (at least not to death).
3. Big corps want big govt spending because they are major recipients
(GE, HP, Boeing, Lockheed, etc).
4. Big corps are not worried about regulation - in fact it might help
keep nimbler, smarter but smaller competitors at bay.
If these 4 are true, the only threat that the government (or anybody else) presents to big corps is nationalisation. Which seems so remote a possibility that I can hardly imagine it worries them. There is also increased taxation but hence the payouts to elected politicians.
So, the question is, why are they not more in support of massive government spending, etc?
Is it because that might strengthen labour?
Or is it an issue of Big Corps vs Wall Street?
Or is it because they sense the Tea Party is highly beneficial to their interests and adopting the TP and older conservative anti-govt position(s) is a small price?