On Sep 12, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Julio Huato wrote: US Day of Rage
Doug: Are they kidding? Naming it after the Weathermen disaster of 1969? Fred Hampton, dissociating the BPP from that lunacy, said: "We do not support people who are anarchistic, opportunistic, adventuristic, and Custeristic."
Not much to add to Doug's excellent summary
One observation thought. For 40 years almost anyone onthe left with any political sense has been (correctly) dissing the Weatherman trash. That criticism did _nothing_ to prevent the reappearance of the same kind of trash! It is an example of the futility of negative criticism.
This is the first I have heard of any of this. Are there tendencies in the "Occupy Wall Street" idea that are serious rather than Weather wantabees?