his was unanimously voted on by all members of Occupy Wall Street last night, around 8pm, Sept 29. It is our first official document for release. We have three more underway, that will likely be released in the upcoming days: 1) A declaration of demands. 2) Principles of Solidarity 3) Documentation on how to form your own Direct Democracy Occupation Group.
This is a living document. you can receive an official press copy of the latest version by emailing c2anycga at gmail.com.
Declaration of the Occupation of New York City
As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all people who feel wronged by the corporate forces of the world can know that we are your allies. continued
W The problem isn't the locations s much as it is that Detroiters, people who actually live and grew up IN THE CITY are not being listened to. Like · · 3 hours ago
2 people like this. A ok so what are these grievances the people of the city have? What is it that Detroiters want? This isn't to be asanine i simply don't live in the city i live in the suburbs so I don't really follow detroit politics. about an hour ago · Like W GO down and read previous threads. about an hour ago · Like W "It is 1.4 miles away from the center. This is a park in front of an abandoned building. the abandoned station is a trendy place for people to try to explore the abandonment of Detroit, without actually doing anything to improve the city for its residents. People from the outside of Detroit, not residents, chose this location. Locals are disgruntled. If you set up camp away from where you are protesting, and expect people to walk 3 miles everyday just to get to the action, you will both burn everyone out, but also discriminate against the disabled and elderly, who cannot walks so easily. Sidewalks are public domain, this property is not. If you want an effective occupation, you must actually occupy in numbers. Detroit residents, active members of the activist community, are being ignored. the meeting is being held in royal oak, which means if you actually live in Detroit you cannot get there without a car, and many people in detroit don't own cars. We need to make the wealthy uncomfortable. We need to be where the business is.
Out-of-towners choosing what is best in or for Detroit, now, is a representation of gentrification." about an hour ago · Like A ok so then their disgruntled about the specific location, no i thought maybe you meant detroiters had specific grumblings with the city of detroit itself. Thanks for clearing up the fact that it was simply about location :) about an hour ago · Like W not just location, now it's that they are being ignored and told that others know what's best. about an hour ago · Like