that stalin got the % means squat. WTF? Stalin? You raise Stalin? LOL
that the numbers may be inflated given self selection bias (though DH has pointed to, i think, AAPOR research indicating that the higher Ns in online surveys display that effects of self selection) is, to me, a given.
in which case, let's estimate that it's 40 for and 40 opposed and 20 don't know or give two shits.
voila! the revo!
At 01:23 PM 2/10/2012, Carrol Cox wrote:
>shag carpet bomb: So far, the survey at the Oakland Tribune reveals a steady
>93-95% support
>for Occupy Oakland.
>Suspect figures. At least 5% of the population think it was probably an
>occupation by the SU army (and 10% don't now the SU collapsed.)
>95% is the vote Stalin use to get. For that you need color-coded ballots
>handed out by National Guardmen. If the poll said (say) 40% THAT would be
>something to take seriously & would merit 3 cheers for the Revolution.
-- Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)