What do you think the _purpose_ of the Neoliberal sytem was? I would say that it was to drive down, relentlessly, the living standards of the world's working masses. It has succeeded brilliantly in this purpose; I know of no capitalist regime so brilliantly successful. And it's still working. See Marv Gandall's post a week or so ago on the shutting down of the London, Ontario Caterpillar plant & it's reopening in Muncie, Indiana (at half the wages, and subsidies from the state to boot.) If there's a flaw, fatal or otherwise, in that, it's well hidden.
Capitalists and workers, as you know well, do not share common interests. What looks like failure from one perspective is merely some great success from the other perspective.
Just in Time is a capitalist tactic, not followed by all firms. The strategy, the goal, is the complete freedom of business from any vestiges of public control, any vestige of responsibility for the the common interest. The latter of course is an illusion, a liberal wet dream.