I believe the proper role of anarchists in BS's schema is handmaid to the masturbatory delights of Atum.
Still, thinking of that way doesn't quite capture the eliminationist fantasy shared by critics with their "helpful" internal critiques apparently intended to advance the movement by pointing out that anarchists are useful idiots, teenagers, hopped up on T, cancerous, useful bodies that will place themselves on the gears.
They are merely to be used, manipulated, pretend like we are on their side until, after they done the work you hoped they would, you will see the great masses rise up so that you have enough on your side and you can put those useful, but thoroughly wrong, anarchists down back where they belong, in their place in the dustbin of history. kthxbai!
-- http://cleandraws.com Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)