I'm not sure if you knew but I went into the hospital last Saturday with what turned out to be a really bad infection in my lower left arm. It had gotten so bad that I went into a bit of toxic shock, the main symptom besides the swollen and inflamed arm was some really bad delirium. I thought everyone was trying to do me in and I fought the nurses and hospital staff like mad for the first 24 hours until the antibiotics kicked in. I'm much better now, and am actually getting out tomorrow. The doctors are still a little puzzled by my arm. The MRI yesterday showed no abscess (good) or any other obvious issues aside from the infection. Today I'm getting a bone scan and a consultation with the infectious diseases doctor on staff as final precautions.
The current theory is that my lymphadema (sp?) (Blockages in the lymphoma system in my arm) caused me to be susceptible to this infection. Not quite sure yet what the long term treatment of my arm will be, its been swollen and giving me problems since last summer.
Anyway, wanted to catch you up and doing so via Mark who is visiting me.
Please share this on LBO if you want. The delirium episode gave me some insight into what it must be like to be a conspiratist. Its a complete, self-enclosed world which no one from the outside can penetrate.
The pain in my arm that started on Christmas day and got steadily worse has receded in the last couple days. Can still jump through the roof if I push on a couple areas. But just a couple and at least not the whole arm. My whole forearm is still warm and swollen though. But just the small area around the wrist is more swollen than what I've experienced for the last few months. But again, doctors are puzzled. For instance Dr. Wong, my radiologist held up my arm, looked at it, shook her head and said, "Very curious."
When I get home tomorrow I'll be spending the next couple days catching up on what's been going on in the world politically. But hopefully by Saturday I will be able to put a quick post on LBO about what's been going on. I'd like to get on Skype with you this weekend if you're available.
Hope you're well Les, look forward to catching up with you.