[lbo-talk] Reminder-NYC: Come to WBAI benefit (cheap) Sat. 1/14, 2 pm

Mitchel Cohen mitchelcohen at mindspring.com
Thu Jan 12 23:30:07 PST 2012

Please forward

Hi, One Saturday afternoon per month, I've been organizing a gathering to benefit WBAI financially, but more important -- to pull our communities together and enjoy each other, excellent food, great music and radical politics in downtown Manhattan.

So come on down THIS SATURDAY AFTERNOON! The announcement (below) reflects some changes in the schedule.


Come on down to our third monthly "Saturday Showcase & Salon" to benefit WBAI Saturday, January 14 2 pm – 4 pm at the Lafayette Grill and Bar 54-56 Franklin Street in downtown Manhattan (3 blocks south of Canal Street, between Lafayette and Broadway) All trains to Canal St., or #1 train to Franklin St. <http://www.mitchelcohen.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/promo-for-cart-2012-Jan-14.mp3>Listen<http://www.mitchelcohen.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/promo-for-cart-2012-Jan-14.mp3> Here to 1-minute <http://www.mitchelcohen.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/promo-for-cart-2012-Jan-14.mp3>promo

This month featuring:

* Alan Podber, Brooklyn-based Blues historian and guitarist on loan to us from the Big Road Blues Band. Alan just uncovered a freedom song that LeadBelly wrote in 1948 which has likely not been heard in public since 1949, the year he died -­ until now! Alan will be joined by Big Road members Ricky Eisenberg and Ken Ficara, and will perform pre-war blues with a bit of the music's radical history thrown in .

* ALSO, topical songs by singer-songwriter Marcy Gordon (the singing lawyer, also from the People's Republic of Brooklyn), performed by the duo Bryan & Marcy.

* AND, in a return engagement, R&B guitarist extraordinaire Ahmad Ali (host of Stony Brook (WUSB) radio's "Cafe Ali" (and who sometimes co-hosts late night shows on WBAI); and

* Dave Lippman, who will lead us in new satirical songs from Occupy Wall Street (hopefully joined by Gary Cobin on the harmonica).

* Howard Brandstein (Coordinator of the Sixth Street Community Center as well as NY State Against Genetic Engineering) will be this month's featured speaker, and will update us on the latest from the anti-GMO and "safe food" movement; and,

* Katie Kat ­ Street Opera performer, who will sing Puccini's, "Quando men vo" from La Boheme. (Katie's in rehearsals for a concert with One World Symphony, where she's singing Dvorak's Song to The Moon on Jan. 22.) http://www.oneworldsymphony.org/concerts1112_Moonlight.shtml

There'll be excellent Mediterranean food and drink, free hors d'oeuvres, and a bottle of wine as the door prize (compliments of Dino, the owner of the Lafayette Grill); and literature, WBAI membership, and CD tables.

Entrance cost: Just $5 and no minimum ­ we want to pull together our communities and thank WBAI members, management and staff, not soak WBAI listeners for what little funds they have! (And if you can't afford even that, don’t sweat it! No one turned away for lack of funds.)

Remember . Revolution is as American as Occu-pie.

Come on down!

- Mitchel Cohen Brooklyn Greens/Green Party, and Chair, WBAI (99.5 FM) Local Station Board*

* for ID only .

[after this, the next "Saturday Showcase & Salon" will be on February 4th, so please save that date!]


Ring the bells that still can ring, Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack, a crack in everything, That's how the light gets in. ~ Leonard Cohen

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