[lbo-talk] Some quotes on Syria

Shane Mage shmage at pipeline.com
Wed Jul 25 08:21:28 PDT 2012

On Jul 25, 2012, at 10:38 AM, Wojtek S wrote:
> Assad is basically
> another incarnation of Saddam - an initially progressive force that
> turned into a dynastic rule...

The ignorance expressed here is beyond hope. Saddam started as a CIA asset commissioned to assassinate the progressive Iraqi ruler Abdul Karim Kassem and violently to suppress the Baath left, Iraqi communism and Kurdish nationalism. And went on to foment a counter- revolutionary war (on both sides) with Iran. Assad played exactly the same role against Salah-al-Bitar. And went on to serve as imperialist gauleiter over Lebanon on behalf of Israel and the imperialists. Wojtek seems to have been well indoctrinated in his homeland-- dictatorial state capitalism as THE progressive force in the world!

Shane Mage

"scientific discovery is basically recognition of obvious realities that self-interest or ideology have kept everybody from paying attention to"

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