[lbo-talk] Jargon in Science

shag carpet bomb shag at cleandraws.com
Thu Mar 1 10:55:58 PST 2012

answer is too vauge to understand.

insurgent as vocabulary where? what discipline? profession? social movement literature? as social movement participants use them? media?

state's rights? out of context, i don't understand how to is jargon.

what is id, ego, superego an example of? properly used technical language or obfuscatory jargon.

as for JK - i have no clue what that would be a problem - to distinguish. could you explain please?

I am reminded of the complaint, here, during a reading of Judith Butler. Max Sawicky complained that she used subject instead of just using self. I understood the complaint but I didn't see anything wrong with using subject to signal a completely different theoretical assumption about the phenom that simply isn't capture by "self".

<> On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 6:53 AM, shag carpet bomb <> <shag at cleandraws.com>wrote: <> <>> <>> i was trying to think of examples of technical jargon v obfuscatory <>> jargon. what ones do you use in teaching Alan? <>> <>> at work, one of the sales managers used the term, "please waterfall <>> this <>> to your team". He could have used any number of "everyday" words - <>> which is <>> to say more typically used words - instead of "waterfall". Don't get <>> the <>> sense that this guy is pretentious - although he's a Brit, I <>> believe. <>> <>> .... <>> <>> In that case, my and E's use of "obfuscatory" could be seen as, <>> well, <>> obfuscatory since another word could be used. Whereas if we use <>> ontology, <>> level set, iteration, semantic - all words that usually make a <>> sales rep <>> stare blankly, then blink twice -- this is somehow technical jargon <>> and <>> acceptable. but a sales rep would still stare, blink, and drool <>> thinking we <>> speak in a foreign language and getting pissed at us for not using <>> everyday <>> words. <>> <>> <> The three examples that immediately came to mind were "insurgent", <> "state's <> rights", and "Id, Ego and Superego". There's also things like the <> kind of <> parsing/veiling/obscuring associated with Jeannie Kirkpatrick's(?) <> insistence on the difference between dictatorships and totalitarian <> regimes. <> ___________________________________ <> http://mailman.lbo-talk.org/mailman/listinfo/lbo-talk <>

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