this from Occ Seattle - which doesn't seem to be what Rose says it's about:
<>Occupy Seattle
The historic Dec 12th 2011 West Coast Port Shutdown revealed that the Occupy Movement has become a new type of movement of unemployed, low waged, and casualized workers both in the workplace and outside of it. We are the 89% of the US working class that is not unionized. Many of us are immigrants and women. We showed we are capable of shutting down the businesses which fuel Wall St. profit.
Some of us are also rank and file union members who realize that we need to expand beyond the limits of traditional labor struggle if we want to stop the attacks we are facing.
We are in solidarity with Occupy Longview and ILWU Local 21. EGT is a multinational conglomerate owned partially by Bunge, Inc, a grain cartel that controls 1/4 of the world's grain supply. They are trying to bust the International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 21 by hiring scab labor in their new grain terminal. We won't let that happen. Some members of Occupy Seattle are preparing to join Occupy Oakland and Occupy Portland in a mass convergence in Longview. On the 6th, come learn more, get involved, and prepare for this event.