> But he's also ridiculously self-deluding, as many armchair radicals
> are, and it's his revolutionary pretensions which underlie his
> Puritanical pursuit of the many "soft-on-the-DP reformists" he
> perceives in his milieu.
Ridiculous? Self-deluding? Armchair radical? Pretension? Puritanical? All this in one sentence, and said of a person, not an idea or a position or a line of reasoning.
Interesting to see the 'DP' dragged by the heels into this conversation. (Of course it ought to be dragged on a hurdle to Tyburn, and there drawn and quartered.)
-- --
Michael J. Smith mjs at smithbowen.net
http://stopmebeforeivoteagain.org http://fakesprogress.blogspot.com http://cars-suck.org
When one does a foolish thing, it is right to do it handsomely.